How to Scale a Business: 6 Ecommerce Tips

A woman at a desk is implementing an ecommerce sales strategy

Avoid a sales slump and unlock the full potential of your current business. It’s time to transform your online store into a digital powerhouse by learning how to scale a business and implementing a successful ecommerce sales strategy with our top six ecommerce tips below. 

1. Scaling Your Business Using Social Media

Whether you are a social media superuser or you’ve never created a social media account, there is no denying that businesses can benefit greatly from using social media. With 4.9 billion users worldwide, social media is a free and accessible tool for scaling your business. You can reach broader audiences, increase brand awareness, drive new web traffic, and curate a brand profile all using social media.

Additionally, some social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook have expanded to include shopping capabilities entirely within the app. Using social marketplaces is another great way to expand your reach, beyond what standard profile creation and posting will do for you.

Discover even more reasons why using social media is a great ecommerce sales strategy.

2. Learning How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with Streamlined Checkout

Every business owner knows that one of the biggest challenges in the fast-paced digital world is cart abandonment. Keeping the process simple and streamlined, minimizing issues, and expanding payment options are all ways to improve your checkout completion rates and overall customer experience. Selecting the right payment gateway can be overwhelming with the amount of tools and partners to choose from. 

Picking a trusted and verified developer like us at Payment Plugins offers you a fast, reliable, and free way to set up payments with PayPal, Stripe, and Braintree. 

Using plugins from verified partners like us also increases feelings of trust and security with potential new consumers, while ensuring you as the business owner receive top-quality code and the latest features from our partners.

Wondering how to increase ecommerce sales? Improving the checkout process is a great place to start.

3. Improving Retention with a New Loyalty Program

A woman with a notebook works to improve her business

One of our best ecommerce tips to implement when aiming to grow your business is focusing on retention. While attracting new customers is important, the most cost-efficient way to grow is to foster more purchases with your existing customers. Starting a loyalty program that rewards consumers for their current behavior and offers incentives to return and make an additional purchase or increase their cart size can add more monthly sales to your bottom line. 

If you’re considering a loyalty program, be sure to find an option that is simple and clear. Too many steps and rules can end up deterring your best customers rather than motivating them.

4. Implementing an Ecommerce Sales Strategy by Diversifying Products

If you’re considering how to scale a business, one area not to overlook is product offerings. While this option often requires more time, research, and effort than the ecommerce tips above, this strategy will pay off in the long run. If customer loyalty is strong but sales are plateauing, introducing a new product can create new buzz with your existing fan base while driving fresh traffic to your site. 

Diversifying your product offerings is especially useful for businesses with more expensive items or products with a long lifespan and low returning customers.

5. Investing in Digital Advertising

A laptop showing digital ad results

When you’re learning how to increase ecommerce sales, advertising may seem like a fairly obvious answer, but it can be an intimidating place to start, especially for small businesses. For those new to advertising, one of the best ways to launch is with digital channels. 

Digital advertising allows you to make changes quickly, A/B test different products and landing pages and start with smaller budgets before scaling up. Social media ads or paid search ads are the recommended channels to begin with.

6. Analyzing Sales Data to Improve Checkouts

Perhaps the tip most often passed over when scaling your business comes in the form of analysis and reporting. While not the most glamorous step, regularly evaluating your own data can give you critical insights into consumer shopping behavior and alert you to any bugs that may be causing customer fall-off. 

Discover more about how to scale a business with customer data with our blog post here.

How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with a Plugin

A company sales report next to a laptop

Each of these six tips can help build a more successful ecommerce sales strategy. However, we recommend starting with tip #2 to begin seeing results. Choosing the best WordPress plugin to implement a streamlined and lucrative checkout flow can kick-start sales and get businesses out of a revenue plateau. 

We at Payment Plugins are verified business partners with Stripe, PayPal, and Braintree. Using our plugins for WooCommerce allows you to set up checkout quickly, create customer security, and offer consumers multiple ways to pay.

Download now!

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