Perfecting Checkout: 6 Ecommerce Conversion Optimization Tips

Though it comes at the very end of the customer journey, the checkout process is one of the most critical steps for any online business to master. Businesses that take the time and focus on ecommerce website optimization and implementing tools such as a WordPress payment plugin correctly will see an improvement in overall sales and purchase completions. 

Learn six important ecommerce conversion optimization tips to improve your customers’ checkout experience.

1. Keep it Clean

With different technological advancements continually releasing, new shopping cart and checkout features become available regularly. While some features and designs may be eye-catching, it’s essential to consider what adds value versus what adds flash. A checkout flow that becomes too inundated with unnecessary functionality can slow loading speeds or create friction between customers and purchase completion. 

As easy as it may sound, one of the best ecommerce website optimization tips is to keep things simple and straightforward. The fewer steps and bells and whistles the better.

2. Prioritize Ecommerce Optimization for Mobile

A woman shops online on her mobile phone

With mobile devices driving higher website visits and unique visitors, it is worthwhile to implement ecommerce optimizations for devices of all sizes. Most ecommerce platforms already utilize responsive designs for mobile, however, businesses should walk through their checkout flow on both mobile, tablet, and desktop to ensure all steps translate seamlessly to various devices. Any difficulties or extra steps in checking out on a mobile device can lead to an increase in cart abandonment.

For more tips on mobile ecommerce website optimizations, check out our blog here.

3. Offer Multiple Payment Methods

Each consumer has his or her own personal payment preference and may not deviate from that method to complete a purchase. Therefore, adding more payment options at checkout is the best way to provide choices without halting the payment process. While some customers may still use debit or credit cards, as of 2023, nearly half of all online purchases were made with a digital wallet like PayPal. 

Businesses looking to grow and expand their customer base would best be served using a WordPress Payment Plugin like Payment Plugins to seamlessly integrate partners like PayPal, Stripe, or Braintree. These partners allow for mobile wallets, traditional cards, and even options such as Buy Now, Pay Later at checkout.

4. Display Shipping Information Clearly

Man in white polo calculates shipping information

Extra costs such as shipping and processing fees were cited as the number one reason customers abandoned carts in 2024. Thus, it is in businesses’ best interest to keep all fees and shipping information clear and apparent throughout the checkout process. Seeing shipping fees and understanding free shipping thresholds upfront can prevent cart abandonment later down the line. Transparent shipping information is an easy but critical ecommerce optimization.

5. Use Trusted, Verified Partners

In the same study, while extra fees were the top reason for abandonment, 25% halted checkout due to a lack of trust and security in the site they were purchasing from. Rather than losing out on a quarter of potential revenue, businesses should use verified partners everywhere possible (and include security badge icons) to foster a sense of trust with new consumers. 

We at Payment Plugins not only work directly with different payment gateways but we are verified partners with sources like Stripe, so both owners and customers know they are using the best quality code and plugin.

6. Enable 1-Click Checkout

PayPal logo on a red phone background

Ultimately, when it comes to ecommerce conversion optimization, the faster, the better. Options like 1-click checkout (available with digital wallets), allow customers to use payment methods they are already accustomed to and checkout more quickly. The fewer fields they need to input, the more likely they will finish the purchase. For some partners like Stripe, 1-click options may go under a different name like Link. 

Build the Best Experience with a WordPress Payment Plugin

Young Woman shops on her phone and laptop online

Improving a checkout flow does not happen overnight. Businesses can continue to test and tinker with their processes to find the ecommerce optimizations that work for their customers. However, one of the best places to start is by utilizing a trusted plugin to implement several payment methods without advanced coding knowledge required. Give your business a kickstart in the right direction by downloading our free Payment Plugins.

Download Now!

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