The Simple Guide to Starting an Online Business

Two women starting an online tutoring business

These days, starting an online business isn’t a weird niche that only the most tech-savvy entrepreneurs gravitate toward. It’s become the default way to become a business owner, whether you’re looking to create the next big startup or simply create a freelance business that allows you to be your own boss.

Whether you’re considering selling items like clothes or jewelry, or offering personal services like tutoring or fitness coaching, the online marketplace provides endless opportunities. But even so, it can still be difficult to work out exactly how to do it. 

The good news is that it’s easier than ever. There are many tools that allow you to get your business up and running in no time. This checklist for starting an online business will help you begin.

Checklist for Starting an Online Business

Want to skip right to the good stuff? Here’s a simple checklist for starting an online business.

  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoResearch and Planning: Identify your niche, target audience, and business model.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoBusiness Plan: Outline your goals, strategies, and financial projections.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoWebsite Creation: Use platforms like WooCommerce for e-commerce functionality.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoPayment Processing: Set up a way to get paid! Integrate a solution like Payment Plugins to access the major payment providers like Stripe, Braintree, and Paypal.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoMarketing and SEO: Develop a robust marketing strategy to attract and retain customers.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoLegalities: Ensure you comply with business laws and obtain the necessary licenses.
  • Checkbox Unchecked Vector SVG Icon - SVG RepoLaunch: Go live and start promoting your business!

How Much Does It Cost to Start an Online Business?

Two people learning how to start an online tutoring business

The cost of starting an online business varies greatly depending on the industry, the complexity of the website, and your marketing strategy. 

Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Domain and Hosting: $10 – $100 per year
  • Website Design and Development: $500 – $5,000
  • Marketing and Advertising: $100 – $1,000 per month
  • Payment Processing Fees: Varies (typically 2% to 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for PayPal or Stripe)

Service-based businesses like design or copywriting can be started with little further investment, while e-commerce retailers may need to spend thousands of dollars on stock to get started.

Next, let’s take a look at a couple of specific examples of businesses you might want to start.

How to Start an Online Tutoring Business

Starting an online tutoring business can be lucrative, especially if you have some knowledge and experience with subjects like mathematics or foreign languages. 

Here’s how to get started:

1. Choose a Niche: Decide which subjects or skills you will tutor.

2. Create a Website: Use WooCommerce to set up a user-friendly site.

3. Integrate Payment Solutions: Payment Plugins can help manage payments seamlessly.

4. Market Your Services: Use SEO, social media, and online ads to reach potential students.

5. Offer Free Trials: Attract students by offering free introductory sessions.

For this business specifically, don’t be afraid to get hyper-local. Join local Facebook Groups, and get to know the education system in your area. This way, you can tailor your offering and be considered a local expert.

How to Start an Online Fitness Coaching Business 

Moving your body and keeping fit more your style? Fitness coaching can be a competitive market, but it can also be highly lucrative if you manage to crack it. 

Here’s a checklist:

1. Define Your Services: Decide on the type of coaching you want to do. To give yourself the best chance for success, narrow down to a really specific area. For example, helping postpartum moms regain core strength, or helping older ex-athletes maintain joint health. 

2. Set Up Your Website: Use WooCommerce for a professional look and seamless transactions.

3. Payment Integration: Partner with Payment Plugins for flexible payment options.

4. Marketing Strategy: Use content marketing, social media, and email campaigns. Social media is HUGE for fitness coaches. Consider collaborations with other coaches or wellness business owners, such as nutritionists. 

5. Client Management: Implement systems for scheduling and tracking progress.

It won’t be easy, but if you’re passionate about health and fitness, the hard work will be worth the effort.

Using The Right Tools To Start Your Online Business

Two people learning how to start an online fitness coaching business

Setting up an online business can seem daunting, but using the right tools can make the process significantly easier and more efficient. Platforms like WooCommerce offer make it super easy to get a professional website up and running in no time. 

One of the key benefits to using a platform like WooCommerce, is the ability to integrate other services like marketing opt-ins and payment providers. Adding Payment Plugins into your WooCommerce site allows you to offer flexible and secure payment options, including popular methods like Stripe and PayPal, making it easy for your clients and customers to do business with you.

There are also many tools to help you create and manage your marketing strategy, like social media management software, analytics tools to provide insights into your customer behavior and sales performance, and email marketing automation software. 

The right combination of tools not only simplifies the setup process but also sets a strong foundation for long-term success in the competitive online marketplace.

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